Three tips for a correct information on the Blockchain

23.Aug.2018Press release Infocoin

Samantha Radocchia on Forbes gives three tips to stay up-to-date on the news regarding the Blockchain. The premise is users have to acquire information from official or primary sources: founders of platforms, press releases from government agencies and private companies but also blogs and opinion leaders. Every news must be verified and compared with at least another source.
Here are the recommendations of Radocchia:
– you can follow the opinion leaders, above all the experts with a long experience in this topic and who over the years have built an online archive of declarations and forecasts.
– you can use social media to inform but you have to pay attention to fake profiles, trolls, erroneous information and hacker attacks.
– you have to remember that on social media false news are faster than the real ones, so you have to check their authenticity before sharing them and – accidentally – to take part in a disinformation campaign.