Massimo Tortorella (Consulcesi Group): «Cryptocurrencies hide a much more precious treasure»
A new technological revolution is starting. And it will prevail much faster than the last technological revolution. However, there are many similarities between the history of the Internet and of the blockchain, as pointed out by Massimo Tortorella, president of Consulcesi Group and author, together with his brother Andrea, of the book “Crypto-revelation”: «At the beginning, Internet was viewed with mistrust, it was seen as a bubble. But when it boomed, everybody understood that it was just the beginning of a new world that would have changed the entire humanity. The same thing will happen to blockchain technology, but much faster – he explains -: Internet needed 20 years, but this technology will need only five years to show everybody its ease and effectiveness».
The reasons are well and easily explained in Tortorella’s book, launched at the European Parliament in Brussels. «140 pages to know everything about blockchain technology. We wrote this book to explain everybody that behind Bitcoins and cryptocurrencies there is a much more precious treasure. Blockchain – Massimo Tortorella says – is a peer-to-peer technology that offers the chance of decentralizing information that today is centralized. It is formed by different ledgers that cannot be modified, since you might be able to hack one of them, but not all of them altogether, ensuring safety and transparency. Soon, blockchain technology will have a huge impact on many sectors, from economy to the social field and, of course, on the fintech one».
A Master’s degree in in “Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Economy” organized by the Link Campus University, in Rome, together with Consulcesi Tech, will deal with all these aspects. «The Link Campus University – Massimo Tortorella adds – has understood the importance of this technology before many other institutions. A technology that will truly make the world a more efficient and faster place».