Music Streaming
About Rehegoo
Rehegoo Music Group is a music publisher specializing in producing and distributing of the work of up-and-coming artists.
The aim of this cooperation is to solve artists’ problems caused by the arrival of the streaming platforms and the relate to copyright collective societies.
Aim of the project
This project started with the purpose to protect copyright applying the Blockchain technology and to find a solution for the following issues:
Why is blockchain so important for the music industry?
The music industry’s turnover is growing but artists are not make enough money
Millions of streams and views are required to ensure fair compensation for authors and rightsholders
Royalty collection companies prioritize their investments rather than remunerate artists
Lack of control by rights protection agencies
In many countries there are not appropriate facilities to collect royalties
The lack of ability to evaluate at first IP by firms does not allow them to maximize profits
These are the main solutions that Consulcesi Tech and Rehegoo aim to deal with:
Fair compensation for artists, which can upload music directly, regulated by a Smart Contract
Reliable payments for all parties involved thanks to Music Coin, a token that will be introduced in all payment transactions
Fairer and more user-friendly new infrastructure for the entire music industry
Community development composed by active users rewarded every time they vote for music content in the Music Space
Creation of new jobs and opportunities for up-and-coming artists