From privacy policy to monetization: adding more “value” to our data with blockchain
Digital experts and big players in an open discussion at the 41st International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners: opening the round table, Premier Edi Rama with institutional greetings
Pacini Battaglia (Consulcesi Tech): «Only the Blockchain can respond to the need to regain control of our own data: so, it can be decided with whom to share them, and perhaps, even get payed for doing it.»
TIRANA, 24 OCTOBER 2019 – Starting from 2023 the amount of data generated and disseminated each year will reach the record figure of 100 zettabyte. The zettabyte (ZB) is a measure unit of the amount of data equal to one trillion of bytes. This is an unexpected amount of information, which increases exponentially, and which represents the fundamental element of an industry that produces, in the world, over 3 trillion dollars per year.
It is therefore evident that data represent an economic asset of enormous value, which must be protected through regulatory and technological tools adequate to the continuous evolution of business models. In the occasion of the 41st International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners (ICDPPC) 2019, the subject matter is discussed during the Side Event “The Blockchain solution: data sharing for a better protection”, organized by da Consulcesi Tech, technological provider focused on Blockchain and its practical applications. The round table revolves around a basic concept: The Blockchain technology can be the enabling infrastructure of a model that allows full control over the management of personal data.
The Side Event opens with the institutional greeting of Edi Rama, Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania, following the interventions of some of the most important representatives of sector’s establishments: Massimo D’Alema, President of the foundation “Italianieuropei”; Davide Casaleggio, President of ‘Casaleggio Associati’; Luigi Neirotti, associate partner of Ernst & Young; Kara Sutton, Privacy and Public Policy Manager of Facebook; Luca Bolognini, Founding Partner of ‘Studio ICT Legal’ and President of the Italian Institution of Privacy; Jörn Erbguth, Head of Technology Insights at the Geneva Macro Labs e and professor at the University and School of Diplomacy in Geneva.
«It’s clear that the mere data protection model is not compatible with current and future technological evolutions – explains Gianluigi Pacini Battaglia, CEO of Consulcesi Tech –. It is therefore necessary to find a system that allows people to control information and to allow it to be transferred in full transparency and awareness, perhaps with reasonable remuneration. In fact, the Blockchain technology offers the best and most concrete answers to the critical issues the new business models linked to the data economy have brought to the forefront. ».
According to this paradigm, consequently, the fundamental right to the protection of personal data is more embodied in the transparency of the use made of it: « For an industry that burns no more coal but data – concludes Pacini Battaglia – the answer is not to create increasingly complex barriers that limit its diffusion but rather to give to those who transfer their personal data to third parties, which in turn use them for commercial purposes, tools to decide consciously and freely. We, of Consulcesi Tech, ask exactly this.».
The Blockchain can therefore represent the enabling infrastructure for “human centric” digital identity models with the consequence of putting the “human figure” back at the center of the system: « The personal data is managed directly, in complete independence, and so the access and its usability are regulated by cryptographic signatures at the base of the system of blocks ».
“Blockchain and Privacy” is also the title of the first volume of the e-book series (published by Paesi Edizioni) launched today by Consulcesi Tech and available on the main e-Stores as well as on the our website.